Hahaha... bigbang in lawak kampus version by keith.
Its a potray of seungri, deasung, teayang, gD & tOp.
Hahaha... bigbang in lawak kampus version by keith.
Its a potray of seungri, deasung, teayang, gD & tOp.
As usual tetiap tahun mesti ada azam baru tp i previously never write it down as i thought i have a very good memory to remember all of them ... But i was wrong, my memory was not that good since none of the previous resolution really became reality ( hmm ada gak yg actually become true tp x byk la)... Hehehe my bad :p
So tahun ni ak decide utk tulis so ak akan ingat, n mana tau azam tu akan tercapai, as people once said to me 'utk jadi baik perlukan determination n goodwill yg sgt kuat tp utk jadi sebaliknya kita x perlukan ajaran dari sesiapa pon'
Ok straight to my resolution :-
1. Harap tahun ni dapat jadi insan bertakwa lebih baik dr tahun sebelumnya.
2. Ak nak kurus serius nak kurus bole x set target nak turun at least 10 kg.. Hehehe if this become true alangkah indahnya :)
3. Nak g travel malaysia to taste the food n enjoy the scenery... Haha taste food eh? Abislah resolution no 2 td :p
4. Nak kawen ( weeee yg ni x leh masuk dlm target sbb jodoh kan ketentuan Allah) yg ni kiv dulu k..
5. Nk cr jodoh.. ( hehe this one is posibble) so i welcome any single bachelor fell free to contact me but ristrict kepada single man who is really single, so single with 1 or 2 or 3 qouta is not allowable...
6. Nak jogging...
7. Nak baca byk buku..
8. Improve cooking skill
9. Nk tukar working enviroment drp hampes kepada bestttt...
10. I think thats enough for now...
I'll update further later bcoz we can only plan but sometimes we have to leave it to fate...
P/s: To fate plz lead my resolution to success ya :) tQ
Prove i'm serius in making the resolution into reality... Tadaaa i bought books this afternoon :p
Hmmm.. Sebelum ni ak mmg rase best gile la pakai dg punya internet plan, sbb laju n berpatutan...
But recently this dg internet has made me crazy, y???
Sbb connection dg ni dah x stabil, especially bila ak masuk kawasan umah ak kat bangsar ni... Tahap tension n marah ak da melampau smpi ak call cust serv dg n marah2 dorang ( sori korang i tau u0als x tau pape tp nk wat cm ne kan so kn tahan la)
Internet ni sgt penting lah tuk ak, sbb lepas tensen kat ofis, dia lah pengubat duka lara ak... Bila ak tgk u-tube, tonton, fb yg ada promotion tuk baju n tudung ak akan jd calm n happy...
Jd korang patut paham lah kenapa ak mrh sgt bila line internet ni wat pasal. Ades tension weiiiiii... Bilalah ko nak stabil ni wahai internetku yg disayangi.
Ada gak consider nak tukar g internet provider lain tp still survey2 lagi...
Till then jom lah berdoa masalah internet tah pape ni akan selesai secepat mungkin...
~ Amin.
Wow... Hari isnin aka monday telah menjelma semula...
Kenapa2 kenapa la ak ada rase malas keterlampauan pada hari isnin... Y?? Y?? Y??? Hahaha entry yg sungguh x bermakna..
The opposite to all the lazyness is to remember i shud be thankful i have a job today bila others sedang jobless.. I'm shud be thankful i'm in healthy condition (wlpn x so hepi) while others lying sick n felt terribly bad..
Lesson learn is i shud be thankfull Allah still give me time n life to enjoy, to appreciate n at the same time to not to forget Allah...
So thank you Allah, n all the perasaan malas is actually dugaan n masalah hormon je... So i can fight it n just enjoy today to the fullest... Hehehe :)
Dugaan tu pasti ada sbb tu tandanya Allah syg kat kita so kita kn hadapi dgn tabah n byk bersabar ok :)
Ops i'm writing while working nih.. Should stop now till then ok.. Bubye :)
-Carrara Market- |
-Byk gile barang perhiasan umah cantik2, rase cm nak beli je tp bila pk leceh nak msk cargo trus cancel- |
~So cute rite~ |
Giler besar Harimau kat cni |
- He's sleeping,, cute isn't it - |
- can u spot me in there - |
-Alex & king Julian- |
~DreamworlD i'm here~ |
-Travel between 2 world, this pass allow us to do so.. hehe~ |
-In front of the museum- |
-Fertilizer statue- |
world tallest human, uishh mmg tggi betul dia ni |
- Infinity House - |
- haha i survive this, even tough my eyes is close all the time - |
~Our dinner b4 take-off, yup sandwich and cofee only since we're rushing~ |
Air asia X is celebrating their 5th anniversary guys, so we get this for free :) |
-TQ kak kila, pinjamkan linda novel ni t x abis baca pon sbb jalan citenya to cheesy n coz i'm sleepy~ |
Waiting for our transportation @ Conglogata, Gold Cost Airport :) Me with Crin |
-On our way to the beach- |
-surfer paradise beach- |
~Very refreshing n Happy~ |
~Crin~LinDa~Puteh~ |
-Grocery shopping at wollworths~ |
~Payment machine layan diri~ |
Gold cost.. 2 days to go yet x packing pape lagi..
Ceh beg pon x de lagi... How la how, pening2
But sabar2 kemas pelan2 k.. I know i can do it..
Huishhhh dlm hati very much worry nih :(
What the hell... Who r u to judge me klu ak x pandai masak..
Alamak zaman da moden la, cooking has been made easy n can be done with less efford... So ak akan sentiasa bole belajar, cuma bukan sekarang...
N i can always excel if i try hard n of coz with Allah blessing as well la.. Hehehe
Marah tul ak... Nway sekarang still x minat lagi nak fully concentrate on it.. Maybe later :p
Alamak sori to say ak memilih... Alamak cm ne ni sbb its for my own good kan...
Nak yg attitude classy, smart then me, who can lead me, who can treat me nicely, x kedekut, his money is mine as well tp i x kan buli dia la, Sbb i hv my own money as well but can share a little only... Hehehe
But where to find... Hehe its ok i dont really mind as rina once told me 'the best has yet to come to u my dear'
So i'm waiting here calmly with hope he will magically appear to bring all the joy... Hehe :p
Makan mmg keperluan asas semua org rite... So makan is a must not just sometimes or when u have time but a must maksudnya kn buatlah aka mesti...
Hahaha hover lak :p
Ya its true makan tu perlu, tp overly consume food is x betul n infact x bagus...
Hmmm.. but how la to control the amount of food yg kita amik setiap hari when the fact that we want to eat all bcoz everything was so tempting...
Wehoo.. I guest that the mystery that have yet to be solve..
However, what we can do is to control the desire n dicipline ourself... Tu je kuncinya..
Walau macam mana pon ak ni da try pasang niat nk kurangkan makan dr taun lepas lagi tp x penah berjaya pon.. Selalu je kantoi ngan diri sendiri
Hahaha how la, Dr diet plz help mE :)
p/s- The pic below is my family at pizza Hut & i love dine with them besh!!
I love u my family :)
Well2 Coach handbag... Previously mmg x penah tpk langsung nak ada beg jenama nih, tp as time past keinginan tu jadi hmmmm teringinnya nak ada at least 1 pon jadi laaaaaaa.....
Hahaha 1 je :p
Ce teke2... Ak cakap ngan cat just an hour ago, ak tanya how r u cat, what r u doing on my car...
Hehe the cat was trying ro sleep kot.. Tp pas ak buka pintu kete dia trus jaga n tgk je ak, cat tu x beralih pon, statik je atas kete ak tuh...
Nvm... I don mind pon sbb ak da pesan kat cat tu tlg jaga kete n jgn calarkan 'puteh' ak tuh... Hope2 dia dengar la kan... Esok kn check nih...
Masa talk ngan cat tuh ak rase cm hepi je...
Since i"m so into benda2 yg cute miut ni so ak layankan cat tu n end up felt and acting cute2 gak ngan cat tuh...
Jd moralnya apa??? Hmmm x de kot just nak share the good fealing talking to the cat just now je since if i tell this story to others living people they might dont understand it.. So writing is the best medium to share out my story...
Well that is the main reason me writing here rite2 :)
Today such a good monday. Da lama da x de fealing cm ni... U know y i felt good??
Its bcoz my bos mc 3 hari since last thursday... Tp esok dia stat keje balik n ak da x rase happy lg & da stat rase pressure..
Waaa jahat x klu doakan tulang dia lari lagi so dia akan extend mc.. Bukan apa, its just bila dia x de ak rase aman je buat kerja tu... Which is good la kan2...
Jd kesimpulannya apa??
Hmmm kn tukar bos la klu cm tu sbb klu tukar kerja mmg x la kan.. Nnt sapa nak cover utang ak... Hehehe :p
So marilah bersama2 la kita doakan kesejahteraan diri kita nih...
'Ya Allah please guide & protect me~amin'
waa kenapa nih, mak da bising da...
mak: along kenapa ko x jemur lagi tudung tu, cepat la jemur ni klu kena angin kering gak.
ak: ala jap la x de mood nih...
ish2 nak jemur tudung pon kn ada mood ke, haha ak mmg spoil sbb mak manjakan tu yg jd cm ni nih... muahahaha :p
ok lah since ak da ada masa nak tuleh post ceng-gini so ak terpaksa lah merajinkan diri bgn tuk jemur tudung2 tu sume...
0wh sekian n selamat menjemur :)
Assalamualaikum, hai & hello...
Today is wednesday tp ak x mo tuleh pasal 'wordless wednesday' since i do not know what it means... hehehe
But i'm going to share in this blog about a purchase that rewards u...
ok la citenya cm ni.. well as usual kat mieowbank ni klu time gaji je mesti ada org jual2 kat lobby building ni n this time dorang wat reward point sales yg membolehkan penguna credit cardnya to exchange their card rewars point with item.. hehe besh kan :)
well macam2 benda dorang jual.. ada luggage bag, parfume, comforter, bantal, cadar & blanket, designer watches, haha coach handbag pon ada tau...
hehe selepas fiest our eyes with all the items... ak pon terpanggillah utk membeli comforter single bed tuk diri sendiri n since comferter tu beharga rm376 less 50% so ak hanya kena byr rm138 je lagi.. masa nak wat payment ak pon tanya la:-
ak : kak ni bole pakai reward point x?
saler : bole tp kn pakai credit card la.
so ak pon tunjuk mai la card tu supaya dia leh check ada berapa point dlm card tuh.. pas dia check dia bgtau ada 26,574 point klu convert bole cover rm132... ak pon apa lagi redem la point tu n tambah lagi rm6 maka ak pon dapat lah???)
tadaaaa.... i'm happy :)
Assalamualaikum, hai & hello...
hehehe what is it with women n their resits...
Well when we go shopping n draw money usually we get resits right as prove of payment or transaction, hmmm i have this habit of keeping those resits in my wallet as my future reference...
The fact that i never really look upon it once i put them on my wallet is true... but y do i still keep it??
Its bcoz of my nature maybe.. as a women we always like to keep things just in case we need to refer them in the future... which is good right???
It is good, but if keep it to long its just turn into paper u treasure...
Some more its a non-monetary item that make ur wallet look bulky and u cannot use it to purchase things since its not monetary exceptional for 'surat pajak' *
* Ala yg kita dapat klu pajak emas kat kedai emas tu, ha yg tu bole tukar ngan duit, kan ada iklan jual surat pajak tu.. penah nampak kan.. dia tampal kat pokok2 tepi jalan.
So lesson learn is try saperates ur resits in ur wallet/purse as soon as possible at least once a week.. keep the important for ur tax calculating (penting nih) n recycle the unused resits... hehehe :)
0wh... the pic display show the accumulate resits in my wallet since early this year maybe :p
hehehe i will try to dicipline myself organizing them more offen starting now.... fighting2 :)
Muahahaha why is this entry sound like that....
it just bcoz i must go to sleep now n hope i wake up by 4.30 am this morning to finish my work...
i really must wake up so wish me luck :)
till then.. tata :)
woweeee... rupenya da setahun da ak ber-bloging ni.
Bila check balik 1st entry dated 6-9-2011 & today dah 11-9-2012... hehe da setaun berlalu upenya...
so Selamat ulangtahun my blog n selamat ulangtahun gak kat my beloved samsung sII sbb always menemani ak wlpn u guys can't talk but u guys is one of the best medium & gajet yg ak pernah ada...
p/s : bole ke refer gajet n blog as guys, bukan guys tu refer kat human ke?? hmmm
Assalamuailaikum & very good morning peps...
Well ak nak cite about morning habit..
Cane nih disebabkan habit ni telah menjadi masalah universal maka solution hendaklah dicari dgn secepat mungkin..
Masalahnya ialah suka datang office on time... cukup2 je sblm loceng tu menyanyi, klu lewat 5 minit je abis lah akan dikira kedatangan lambat...
Jom analisa kenapa masalah ni bole terjadi :-
1. sbb ak suka bgn lambat
2. sbb ak tdo lambat (mana x nya lyn tenet ni la, u-tube,fb & etc2 hehehe
3. exceptionally sgt2 penat n sakit kepala
Well tu ke reason yg bole difikirkan masa ni...
So how la to change... waaa ak mesti2 hilangkan tabiat yg x baik ni n at least smpi office 1/2 jam awal so i can enjoy breakfast kat office or klu x breakfast kn smpi at least 15 minit awl so x berebut lif...
The answer for now is determine to ensure i get rid of the 1st habit of sleeping late eventually i wont wake up late n get ready early for office... hehehe :p
Till i success... marilah berusaha sedaya mungkin :)
lalala lilili lululu...
tata titi tutu.. bubye :)
Masih x terlambat lagi kan nak ucapkan selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir & Batin kat semua muslimin & muslimat sekalian....
As usual lah masuk je bulan raya ni mesti ada open house kan?? well my family & me ada gak buat event open house semalam dgn tujuan utk mengeratkan silaturahim antara kita semua lah :)
Menu semalam :-
~Nasi carrot couple ngan ayam masak merah, jelatah &
~laksa johor &
~sate plus with
~ variety of biskut2 (beli n homemade but most beli la kan... hehe senang gitu)
& desert (homemade)
wlpn menu x byk tp yg bole garenti semuanya sedap2 belaka...
hehe sapa yg baca entry ni, tahun depan klu ada rezeki organize open house lagi i ajak u oalls ok :p
0k as for today mE and my officemate pon ada organize open house gak... hehe since konsep open house kat office ni ialah 'potluck 'so semua org mmg diwajibkan byk sejenis juadah tuk dijadikan hidangan and as per last year gak bemacam2 hidangan yg marvelous2 telah di-preparekan oleh our lovely officemate...
now let me list down all the juadah raya tu k...
-nasi lemak sambal sotong
-roti canai
-kuih muih (kuih gelang n all sort of cakes)
-lemang & nasi himpit kuah kacang
-rendang ( ayam, daging & udang)
-paru masak cili
-ayam kerutuk
-roti jala (kari & kuah durian)
-soto ayam
-nasi ayam, nasi putih pon ada
-mee rebus
-fruits ( tembikai, betik & honeydew)
-puding, tapai & cocktail buah
- sate
-biskut raya
hehe tu je yg ak ingat sebenarnya byk lagi tp mmg x leh recall...
but the greatest acheivement is i manage to eat most of the food n i'm proud of myself... hehehe pas ni mati la nak bakar balik makanan2 yg telah menjadi lemak tepu tuh :p
nway raya & makan mmg x leh dipisahkan so enjoy while u can but dont forget to exercise afterwards ok people...
pesanan ikhlas dari penaja :
till then take care peps & lots of love from mE :)
~Lets cleaning peps~ |
~Fresh Air~ |
'Shoe paradise' |
~Hi jPo~ |
~jumpa lagi~ |
~wif ana banana~ |
~meet farah~ |
~ak yg tembam :p~ |
~farah mmg suka berangan weee :p~ |
~reconcile @gardens cafe~ |
~looking 4 souvenir~ |
~good morning krabi~ |
-Ao Nang Town- |
~island trip~ |
~ahahaha macam org arab g beach kan :P~ |
~misi mencari pankek thai~ |
~tadaaa banana nuttela pankek~ |
~check In -muka sengal tul~ |
~Pasar Terapung~ |
~bekas ni digunakan tuk isi air yang kita bakal beli murah je 150 bath je @RM1.50~ |
~Pas barang melalui melalui bakul~ |
-roti goreng- |
-x sure namanya tp rasanya cam ubi lenyek- |
-kerabu thai (Sedap)- |
-makan time, muka da penat- |
-ikan bakar, ok la- |
-sumwhere in pasar terapung- |
~ni lah tut2~ |
~bye~ |